Tuesday, August 19, 2008

DEEP WATERS - Count me in

(This is Crystal Cove, my program is not letting me download new pictures.)

Late this afternoon we went to Newport at the Little Corona del Mar beach. It's a small place with tide pools, lots of great spots to sit, perfect to watch the frothy waves unfurl and crash endlessly on the rocks. Many times, as it was the case today, you will see scuba divers, professional photographers, young families with a pooch or two. It is a picturesque beach.
If it wasn't for the occasional jet, you might think yourself to be somewhere away from crowded sunny California. When you first get in the water, it seems that there are too many pebbles, but take a few steps and, there, you're in the sand.

When we finished playing, I went and sat alone on a rock as the tide was coming in. After a while I could not see the pebbles in the water ahead of me. The powerful rolling waves covered everything.

You need to get in deep enough, most of the time the edge is uncomfortable. Eventually you'll want to get out.

You need to get in deep enough for the "pebbles" to disappear. In shallow water, they stick out. Not very inviting.

You need to get in deep enough to let the powerful waves carry you. As long as you are in control, it's hard work and it will wear you out.


Just a thought said...

You have given me the fever to find a nice quite place, I am to far form the ocean, and just sit and allow my spirit be carried away. Just to sit and let both the mind and the spirit refuel and then return to the needs of the day.


Mark Pryor said...

It is so neat how that nature has a way of revealing to us eternal truths. I hear Paul saying "Doth not even nature itself teach you..."

Like the pebbles we must get in deep enough to where we disappear (with our personal preferences and prejudices) under the flow of God's grace.

I agree with you the edge is uncomfortable enough to either want you to get in or get out. I have found that one of the most uncomfortable places to stand in the ocean is about knee deep because the waves hitting the backs of your knees will cause you to lose your balance and you'll either fall in deep or get pushed out onto the shore.

Seems like I remember Jesus saying..."Launch out into the deep"

Karen J. Hopper said...

Beautiful picture, beautiful thought. I want to "get in deep enough".

Anonymous said...

hey mom,
you listed all the things you love in your bio, I wondered if I was in the "critter" category. Technology is astounding, but hollow & stale next to the Lord's handiwork in nature. This week traveling home from work I prayed as I took in the scenery: Lord if you can make that eucalyptus be tall & straight, those rolling hills so smooth & powerful, surely you can take care of your children. The deeper we go in God, the more "new" things we find that HE had prepared for us all along.
love you,

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...


I came back a little tired, a good tired, but refreshed.


You are right Pastor. Deep in God, so deep that I disappear and Jesus emerges.

I got knocked down walking back to the shore... fell down forward! At least I was able to put my hands out.



"... fathomless billows of love."
I don't know why but these few words of an old hymn seem to fit you comment.

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Ahhh! SON#1, what a pleasant surprise!
You might have been in the "critters" category when your hair was still blond - you've graduated! Now you have your own little critters! :)

Last year I had a few words to say in "My other connection", about God's handiwork in nature. (10/25/)

What a beautiful thought! Absolutely! It is the Father's good pleasure! He loves us so much more that we can imagine because HE IS love.

I'm so glad you are having time with the Lord that way. I find that driving is actually "free time".

Your dedication and love for the things of God are a joy to me. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Love you,

Carol Connell said...

Nice post. We definitely need to get out of our comfort zones if we want to experience the deeper things of God.

Anonymous said...

I was looking up an old freind tonight and saw that you mentioned him on your blog.

My name is J.R. Riggs and I was instrumental (we rode to church together) in leading Ernesto Lavenant to Truth.

Would you be kind enough to give him my contact info?
J.R. Riggs

Thank you and God bless

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Que Dieu vous bénisse ma Soeur. Merci pour la visite. You must have tons of things to do after your wonderful vacation, specially with school right around the corner!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Hello J.R.

Will do - my pleasure. The Lavenants, both Ernesto's family and Art's, are precious people of God. It's always a blessings to reconnect with those that were once babes and find them to be pillars.

God bless you,

Sis Catherine