I love teaching my grandchildren the little that I know about nature.
For the most part, what I know, I learned it from the elders in my life.
The first and foremost of my teachers was my father. He was raised on a farm and had an immense respect for nature. He grew up helping with the hogs, cows, chickens, rabbits, horses, the vegetable garden and the vineyard. During WWI, his father was gone to the Prussian front so it was up to the kids to help my grandmother keep up with all the chores. My father remained a farmer at heart all his life, even after living in the city and working a job that demanded wearing a suit and tie.
We took walks as a family almost everyday. Long ones always on Sunday, unless the snow fell too thick or it rained too hard.
I learned so much during those walks. My father knew the name of every kind of tree, he could recognize any leaves, any seed or grain, even tell me about types of rocks and stones and their origins. He loved everything in nature, even the soil.
My parents and I picked wild berries in the summer, wild mushrooms in the fall, wild greens in the springs. With our harvest, my mother would prepare delicious evening meals to round up the day. Afterwards we'd go over our findings and decide on the ones "for keeps". My dad would tell stories and talks about his childhood. We'd place tender twigs, buds, flowers, leaves, seeds or any other gift from nature found that day between blotting papers with a weight on top, usually one of the many volumes from our well stocked book shelves.
Several weeks later, after these treasures dried up enough, came the part of affixing them in my 'Nature Scrapbook'. My mother always helped me write the captions under each of these botanical beauties. I loved it.
It was clear to me, that love for nature. The message stayed with me. It was backed up by a lifestyle.
Let me check and make sure that the message I give is clear and that my lifestyle says the same thing.
I know... I represent the King and His Word, and the Church.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
DRIED LEAVES AND SUCH - A clear message
Posted by
Catherine Roseberry-Meyer
10:44 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
THE BODY - 1+?=1
I have a cup, a mug to be exact, in my kitchen cupboard. It dates of several years ago when I managed an account for AT&T at the infancy of it's partnership with Lucent Technology. In other words, I've had it for a long time.
On one side of it is a picture of a large sail boat, the crew each at their post, working the winds. Each one is needed. Each was chosen to be on board.
On the other side is a quote: "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to produce uncommon results".
I've always loved that quote, I didn't know there was more to it. It reads like this:
Teamwork is the ability
To work together
Towards a common vision.
The ability to direct
Individual accomplishments
Towards organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows
Common people to obtain
Uncommon results.
(Mac Anderson - Simple Truth)
It may be an old quote, old story for some, but it still is true. Each one is a part and becomes part of the whole. Sounds a lot like the Church to me. All members in particular, part of ONE, the Body. So, how many can you add to one to make ONE? As many as the Lord has called. It takes all of us to make a whole.
Ephesians 4:16 "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted BY THAT WHICH EVERY JOINTS SUPPLIETH, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto edifying of itself in love". KJV
Posted by
Catherine Roseberry-Meyer
7:50 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
WIND IN THE POPLARS - The speed of time
When I was a child, we often went on vacation in Switzerland where my mother was from. Actually, it seems that it was several times a year. Yverdon, where my maternal grandparents lived, lays at the end of the Lake of Neuchâtel. The banks of the river Thièle that spills itself into the lake are lined with poplars.There are rows of poplars in the fields nearby . Many of the two lanes roads on the outskirts of town are lined with poplars. The wind blowing thru these trees makes a soothing rustling sound. It is an inseparable part of my fondest memories.
Today I went for a walk in my neighborhood park. The third time around the track, I noticed a sound. It was the soothing rustling sound of the wind blowing in the trees. In a flash, my mind took me back in time. It was just a few seasons ago, I was on summer vacation, going to the local Farmers Market downtown Yverdon. My grandmaman always bought everything fresh, everyday. That was the way we did things then. Today, I have grandchildren of my own, Jacob is 9 years old, Samuel is 8 and Naomi "Mimi" is 19 months old. I want them to have precious memories of days together, for next week,next month, and when they grow up. That'll be tomorrow!!! Where did the years go? How can time go so fast? The older I get, the faster it goes. My grandparents use to say that to us grandkids.
Memories of my childhood, in the 50's, 60's,was it really that long ago?
What is our life? Nothing but a vapor says the Word of God. What will you do with your life?
Posted by
Catherine Roseberry-Meyer
10:40 PM
Sunday, August 5, 2007
WHALE WATCHING - Keep your eyes on the Rock
Last week, my daughter and I took a short vacation in Morro Bay. One thing we wanted to do for sure, was to go whale watching. This is the time of the year when they feed in these parts of the coast. We took tablets to prevent motion sickness and on to the boat we went. The swells were pretty good, very little wind, some fog. I will tell you that we did see whales, a mother and her calf feeding. And did we have a show! These creatures are most graceful. They were slapping their tails and spewing from their spouts. We were also entertained by a band of seals acting like dolphins, lots of otters, even a family with a pup, and several comical sea lions. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. But my daughter Crystal did get sea sick (along with half of the people on the boat). The skipper said he wasn't too surprised, not much of a horizon to focus on.
Isn't it like living for Jesus? You've got to keep your eyes focused on Him. Sometimes it's so foggy you cannot see where you 're going, you can't even feel Him. But He is here. His Words is here. The ups and the downs of life can make you feel "seasick". Look ahead, don't look down at your feet that's where the dirt is.
Too much fog in Morro Bay to keep our eyes on the Morro Rock. It's never too foggy to keep our eyes on the Rock of Ages.
Posted by
Catherine Roseberry-Meyer
9:31 PM