Friday, March 28, 2008


Earlier this year, Samuel called me at home. "Grandmaman, can you pick me up at school, I want to go feed the ducks." Wednesday is the only day of the week I am able to do it. So I did. He had a plan, go to lunch at IN-N-OUT, his favorite place, go to the store and get bread, bring bottles of water. Easy enough.
. Spending time with the ones you love... its an investment sure to bring high returns.
Just look at him, unforgettable grin! What a blast he was having!

We had a wonderful time. And what a gentleman he was. How simple it is to please him. He'll not be this way long. He is very young for his age.
☆ Samuel Benjamin Roseberry ☆ King of the Hill ☆ Big Guy! ☆

He recently started some sessions on Wednesdays right after school... He told me he has fun there, so that's good. No more afternoons at the park, for the time being that is. Now I'll go to Jacob's school on Wednesdays.
I remember as a child I felt my heart about to burst when I knew we were going to see our relatives - certain ones in particular. Everyone lived 2, 3 or 4 hours away and the trip was always too long. I cherish the love that Samuel lavishes on me, and I'm so glad that our homes are close to each other - for now.


Karen J. Hopper said...

You've captured wonderful memories in your photos but more importantly are the ones in your heart. There is nothing like spending time with grandchildren.

Anonymous said... sweet. What a beautiful day for a beautiful memory. Thanks for sharing!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Sister Hopper,

God knew that there is a time when grandchildren are just the right thing in our lives.
Yes, memories are made of such times.
God bless you and your loves ones.


Sister Tena,

Thank you for stopping by.
I'm still thinking about your orchard... lovely pictures.
Have a blessed day with your family.

Carol Connell said...

Your grandson is a handsome young man. I'm sure you both built some nice memories on this day. God bless you and your family!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Ma soeur,
Merci du compliment, oui il est charmant. L
e petit a des montagnes à franchir et je fais confiance au Seigneur pour son avenir.

God bless you.