>~>~>A picture is worth a thousand word <~<~<
I know...it's so cliché...
This one is special to me because when my daughter was the same age as this little guy, I took a picture of her doing the same thing... imitating Daddy.
Until little ones start school, they're ours and they are all about us... everything goes in and takes root. By the time they enter Kindergarden either the field is covered with good seeds or it will grow after the seeds others will sow. Their minds will soak everything up like a sponge. They will pick up mannerism and much more.
I find myself today looking back at my mother... seeds are still sprouting...
Nothing is more powerful than living up to our words when it comes to influence.
Pretty speeches without actions melt away like ice cubes in the sun.
If we make a mistake? Well there is no going back but we get up and do better.
When we see the results later on in life, that's a sweet reward and there is no feeling like it.
There are children who do not have good role models at home. When kids walk into our lives, love 'em up, let them know they are special, they matter, they are important. We all have opportunities to inject some wholesome values and invest in a child.
We never stop sowing. Sometimes I think we forget the impact of a seemingly insignificant word or deed. Everything produces... something.
The results of natural laws are inevitable, it's a matter of time. We easily acknowledge that because our eyes see it.
The hearts and minds of those around us are subject to laws as well...