Thursday, February 26, 2009

THE PROCESS - How long?

Funny thing how we can get used to something we thought we never would, knowing that it's only for a while. Until things change. These times of deep changes are always the start of something better. "Nobody likes changes but a wet baby". But even the wet baby will most likely voice a loud complaint while going thru the process. 

Process - now there is a word encompassing endless possibilities, twists and turns, surprises and unexpected sequence of events - a word full of promises, if we allow for it to finish. That is to say, if we wait.  Another difficult word...

A while ago I bought tiny clay pots with little pellets of dry soil and divers small bulbs - anemones, crocuses and hyacinths. I followed the directions on the labels, not sure how it would turn out. After all they didn't look like much all dried up... shriveled up... 
I planted a few, gave them a home on the windowsill in my dining room. Others are here at work, by the kitchen window. And guess what? The bulbs are sprouting, pushing thru the dirt!
It took a while, and I almost tossed some of them out, thinking they just might have stayed dried too long. No, it was part of the process. The process took longer than I was willing to wait. Good thing I gave it a few more days. 

Going thru the process... I don't like it. I can  do it, it will only last for a while. It's gonna be fine. The grain of wheat has to be buried and die for the stalk to emerge,  in the fullness of time...

I have a notion to dig up some science books and read again  how in nature some processes take several years. Why, we are all still a work in progress! Just look in the mirror, the mirror in your heart...